UFS is located in the state of Sergipe, in the Northeastern region of Brazil. Sergipe's land area is 22.050 km2, which corresponds to 0.26% of the national territory. The largest urban agglomeration is its capital, Aracaju, with 460,898 inhabitants, followed by Nossa Senhora do Socorro, Lagarto, Itabaiana, São Cristóvão and Estância.
Sergipe has three different types of climate, but the predominant climate is tropical warm and humid. Rains are distributed throughout the whole year, but are especially concentrated from April to August, with only two or three relatively dry months. The temperature varies little throughout the year with an average of around 25° C.
Aracaju is considered the Brazilian capital with the best quality of life. Sun, beaches, mangroves, green streets, lanes and squares surprise visitors with their beauty and tranquility. In Aracaju the visitor will also find all the amenities of urban life such as shopping centers, show houses, theaters, museums, and an airport.
Visitors may also witness the history of Sergipe preserved in the streets and buildings in the cities of Laranjeiras and São Cristóvão (the 4th oldest city in Brazil and candidate city to be recognized as a World Heritage Site). The popular culture of Sergipe is rich and dynamic and it is through this culture that people from Sergipe preserve their memories from the past. Some of the main popular cultural manifestations from Sergipe are Lambe-sujo, Pastoril, Reisado, fife bands, Taieira, Chegança, Guerreiro, São Gonçalo, Bacarmateiros, Quadrilhas Juninas and Vaquejadas.
See on Google Maps: [UFS ↗]